The MOSS, Mobility Optimizing Stability Stick, has superceded the classic white cane. The white cane has been shown to be unhelpful as it does not address the problem that the blind require. It has turned out that the falling problem of the blind is no different than the falling problem of everyone else. The MOSS is the answer to the problem of falls. As an educational effort, the initial distribution of the MOSS is free to all users.
A free MOSS is yours by just sending an email with a name and a shipment address to . Write "MOSS from website" in the subject line.
You can see a demonstration video of the MOSS at youtube “Dual Mode White Cane” .
All questions sent to will be treated with respect and answers provided when possible.
This is the start to a very large project in which we are all pioneers.
Sunday January 22 2023: The researches of the Valor Dual Mode Canes LLC Company have shown that the problems of balance and falling are everyone’s problem and not those of the blind. As the only representative of the Legally Blind Community, we therefore have decided that the era of the White Cane is ended.
Accordingly, we are distributing Dual Mode Canes from our inventory without regard to cane color.
All of our Products have the same functionality of allowing both a search and a stability mode.
Folded dual mode white cane, with marshmallow tip with reflective sticker and rubber tip.